पृथक करना
पृथक करना = DIVORCEउदाहरण : सरकार ने प्रदूषित क्षेत्र को परिवेशीय पारिस्थितिकी की सुरक्षा के लिए पृथक करने का निर्णय लिया।
Usage : The couple divorced after only 6 months
Usage : The couple divorced after only 6 months
(TransitiveVerb) +8
पृथक करना = SUNDERUsage : it is very difficult to sunder iron from the mixture of iron and sulphur.
(Verb) +7
पृथक करना = SEGREGATEUsage : They segregated the seriously sick and sent them to the intensive care.
(Verb) +2
पृथक करना = SEPARATINGUsage : The separating line between the two properties was clearly marked.
(Noun) +2
पृथक करना = QUARANTINEUsage : the animals are quarantined before they are allowed to enter a foreign nation.
(Verb) +1
पृथक करना = ENISLEUsage : The government decided to enisle the polluted area to protect the surrounding ecosystem.
(Verb) 0
पृथक करना = DISUNITEUsage : Scattered and sporadic and disunited uprisings, however numerous, could not defeat modern imperialism.
(Verb) 0
पृथक करना = DISCONNECTUsage : India reminded Pakistan of its resolve to completely disconnect river water flowing from its western border.
(Verb) 0